I was asked this question the other day. Am I too late to start exercising? This was from a lovely 70+ lady. She has an active part time job and loves looking after her grandchildren. She went on holiday recently and found a walk she went on a bit of a struggle. She told me the terrain was uneven and although it took her a while, she said she was proud when she'd achieved it. Not only for view but also because she didn't think she could do it.
My answer to this question is...it's never too late. In fact, it's really important to keep moving, especially as you get older. They say "move it or lose it!" and this is so true. Using weights in your workout will not make you a body builder so don't be afraid to dust off those dumbbells. There are many benefits to lifting weights...
increases mobility, flexibility and range of motion
improves immune system function
improves general sports performance
improves posture
increases muscle mass
decreases fat mass and body fat percentage
improves bone and joint health
increases strength, power and endurance
and, makes you feel good!
Resistance training will not make you a body builder
Cardio exercise is also important for heart health. I will talk about this in my next blog. If you have any questions about this blog, email on rebecca.moore@broccoliandbiceps.co.uk
Remember, it is never too late! Find what you love and keep moving!